Safety & Security
The safety of our students is our highest priority. This is why we have invested in state of the art online camera systems accessible to Admin and parents via unique, specific usernames and passcodes. All unfamiliar visitors on site must present a photo ID, even if authorized to pick up the child(ren). Unauthorized visitors are not welcome into classrooms, and may be asked to leave the property. Our security standards are rigorously enforced.
The executive director, both electronically and through audio/visuals, monitors classrooms at each site to ensure staff are performing to the highest quality and professional standards set forth by Li’l Angels, and the State. The programs director visits each site and classroom regularly to ensure children’s safety and educational needs are being met and exceeded. Fire and Emergency drills are conducted by each site director regularly and unannounced, to ensure staff respond in a timely manner and that children are well versed in the procedures during an emergency.
Our playgrounds are designed with safety in mind, as well. All playgrounds contain equipment that is age appropriate. Children have padding that exceeds depth requirements set forth by the state, and our staff take measures to ensure equipment remains in good repair. Along with safe outdoor equipment, staff regularly clean and sanitize indoor equipment with non- toxic products that will not harm children or parents who are present. It is our goal to maintain a clean, safe and inviting environment to all who enter our doors. |
